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How Customer Journeys Irrigate Processes Continuous Improvement …
… and vice versa!
After "And if the processes were the best friends of the Customer Journey" a reflection of the "France Qualité" think tank, "France Processus" extends this introspection of the relations between "Customer Journey" and "Value Chain".

A Strategy & Organization Consultancy Firm
GRC - Risk Management & BPM Expert
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Certification à propos de l'art du Questionnement

ICSE Channel

SQD®™ - Socratic Questioning through Dialog.
BPM – Associations & Opposites Questionaire.
A Carl Gustav JUNG based Questionaire
In our upcoming book1, we discussed about the need to create, for a better understanding of modeling/design and improve processes, a new BPM training certification called SQD®™2.
We have started from the observation, that in order for a process improvement project to produce objective added value3 (which can be measured with a proven ROI4), it was necessary to respect a balance within the project between four major blocks. This concept has been called the “Square Balance” (See diagram).
The sustainability of a structured Governance of the BPM / Business Process Management and the Company’s process framework requires both a balance between these 4 core businesses and a sufficient robustness of each of them.
However, in this observation we pointed out that often the failure of a project to establish a process framework, was due to the fact that the operational structure of the BPM had been underestimated in terms of technical capabilities and in terms of the number of dedicated people, whether these resources are chosen internally or externally.
The modelling/design of processes requires capacities6 which are too often underestimated, and which can cause a dysfunction in the balance of these four blocks and the delineation of a project of constitution of a process framework or of continuous improvement (imprecise modelling, degraded processes non-existent, not taking into account the risks associated with the process, etc.). As a corollary this creates an inflation of complementary works, which parasite the schedules and compromise budgets.
That is why, as an introduction to the various trainings we can offer on the BPM/ Business Process Management, we have implemented this questionnaire, based on the work of Carl Gustav JUNG7. We chose some 20 BPM characteristic words. Then we ask participants not to give ourselves the meaning of these terms, which has no interest in itself, but to give us an association meaning, what image, concept these words suggest to them. You will have understood that it is not a question of judging a level of competence, but of apprehending a level of BPM perception, and like the NPS9, to know whether they are a promoter, passive people or even a detractor of the BPM, before starting the training10.
You can do that if you wish. To do this you will find the questionnaire by using the following link and return it completed to icse.france@gmail.com email address, stating that there is no right or wrong answer, there is only a perception.
Your answers will be for us an indicator of BPM perception within Companies and will help us considerably to improve our dialog within the training session (this is our continuous improvement process) to convince you better of the process framework usefulness and persuade you to launch (or relaunch) a process approach.
1BPM Guide – Time for implementing a BPM manager within Board of Companies – Arnaud Vigne & Sylvain Spenlé.
2 SQD®™ – Socrates Questioning through Dialog. The acronym and its development are a registered trademark of ICSE.
3 Cf. The publication of André-Yves Portnoff – The Revolution of the Intangible - Futuribles November/ December 2017.
4 ROI – Return on investment
5 "Balance Carrée" is a registered trademark of the company ICSE
6 Cf. - https://www.icseconsulting.com/icse-home-page
7 Cf. - https://www.icseconsulting.com/icse-home-page
8 For example: sun -> Holidays, weekends etc.
9 NPS - Net Promoter Score.
10 The exercise can be done with all participants together.